Xiaomi has launched its latest flagship phone Mi 10 at Rs.49,999. So far Mi had been bringing budget and mid range smartphones and this is the company's first premium device. The main highlight of the smartphone is that it can record videos at 4K resolution. Mi 10 comes in 2 variants 8GB RAM and 128GB storage or 8GB RAM and 256GB storage. Along with Mi 10 Xiaomi has also launched Mi True Wireless earphone 3 and Mi Box 4K and Mi 30W wireless charger.
Mi 10 comes with 6.67-inch AMOLED display with 90Hz refresh rate. The phone comes with Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 chipset. The phone is boosted by 4,780mAh battery with fast wireless and fast wired charging. As of the cameras it comes with Quad cam setup with 108MP, 13MP and two 2MP sensors. On the front it has punched hole front cam with 20MP sensors. The phone runs on Android 10
Mi 30W wireless charger
Mi 10 has wireless charging option in it and for that Xiaomi has also launched this wireless charger. This charger is priced at Rs.2,299 but can be bought for Rs.1,999 by pre-booking it. The charger is Qi certified and has a built in cooling fan to ensure a cooler wireless charging process.
Mi True Wireless earphones 2
Mi has also launched its first wireless headphones in India with Mi True wireless earphone 2. The earphone will work with both Android and ios devices. Earphones comes with Bluetooth 5.0, smart dual noise-cancellation microphone,14 hours of battery life. The earphone will be available for sale on May 12 on Mi website and Amazon. As introductory offer it will be available for Rs.3,999.
Mi Box 4K
Mi box will be available from May 11 and it is priced at Rs.3,499. Mi Box 4K will be compatible with all kinds of TV. It is easy to use. It comes with Android 9.0 with Google assistant and built in Chromecast. MI box 4K comes with Quad core processor, DOlby audio,HDR10.
Also read about Huawei Y9s smartphone with 48MP cam.
Xiaomi mi 10 launched|Rs.49,999|Mi True Wireless 2 earphones|30W wireless charger|Mi Box 4K
Reviewed by Fun Times
May 08, 2020
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