Huawei Y9s is ready for the launch in India. Huawei India tweeted a 6 seconds video about the new phone with #coming soon #stay Tuned. Though the date has not been revealed we can expect it to be launched by this month end. As of the specs the phone comes with 6.59-inch FHD+ display. The phone comes with 48MP main sensor and on the front side it comes with pop-up selfie cam with 16MP sensor. The phone will have 6GB RAM and 128GB storage with the company's own Kirin 710F Soc chipset. The phone will be boosted by 4000mAh battery.
Also read about Realme band update.
Huawei Y9s|48MP cam|4000mAh battery
Reviewed by Fun Times
May 04, 2020
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