Samsung has launched 2 new curved Gaming monitors under Odyssey series namely Odyssey G7 and Odyssey G9. The monitors come with 240HZ refresh rate. As of the screen options Samsung Odyssey G7 comes in 2 screen sizes 27-inch and 32-inch. While Samsung Odyssey G9 comes with 49-inch. As of pricing 27-inch monitor is priced at Rs.49,000. 49-inch monitor is priced at Rs.1,99,000.
As of specs Both Odyssey G7 and G9 monitors have 1000R curvature and comes with VA panel. Odyssey G9 has dual quad HD with a resolution of 5,120x1,440 pixels. Odyssey G7 has a resolution of 2,560x1,440 pixels. As of ports these monitors comes with 2 USB 3.0 ports, 2 display ports, and HDMI port.
These monitors has
- Flicker free technology
- picture in picture
- eye saver
- free sync premium
- eco saving plus
Also read about Akai launches 43-inch LED TV with FireOS.
Samsung curved gaming monitor Odyssey G7 and G9 launched in India|Pricing starts at Rs.49,000
Reviewed by Fun Times
November 26, 2020
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