Akai TV maker has launched 43-inch FHD TV in India. The TV comes in-built with Fire TV which supports apps like Amazon Prime Video, Netflix, and so on. The TV is priced at Rs.23,999. As of now the TV will be available only on Amazon India. As of the specs the TV runs on Amazon Fire OS.As of now only 2 TV's in India run on Fire OS one is Onida and the other one is this Akai 43-inch. The TV has a refresh rate of 60HZ. It has 43-inch FHD display with 178 degree viewing angle, It comes with Dolby Audio and DTS thru sound technology, The TV also gets voice command option via TV remote. As of the ports TV gets only 1 USB port and 3 HDMI ports. Akai has also announced that it will be launching more screen options like 32-inch, 50-inch and 55-inch in this FireOS series.
Also read about Netflix offers free content for 2 days.
Akai launches 43-inch FHD TV|In-built FireOS
Reviewed by Fun Times
November 26, 2020
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