Kia Sonet bookings were opened from August 20. Customers had to pay Rs.25,000 for the new SUV. But the price of the car was not announced. But now the company has officially announced the pricing for this new SUV. The price starts at Rs.6.7 lakhs and goes up to 12 lakhs Ex-showroom. The car comes with features like navigation, voice assistant, 10-inch display and many more features.
Engine options
Kia Sonet will be available in 2 petrol engine options and a Diesel engine option. For the Diesel engine it will have 1.5 litre CRDI engine and for the petrol it will have 1.0 litre Turbocharged and 1.2 litre smart estream. It will be available in 5 transmissions to choose from which includes the latest
- Smartestream 6-speed iMT,
- 5 speed Manual Transmission,
- 6 speed manual transmission,
- 6 speed Manual Transmission,
- 7 speed Dual Clutch Transmission.
All the prices mentioned below are Ex-showroom price.
Kia Sonet Petrol variant (1.2l) 5 speed Manual Transmission
- HTE MT is priced at Rs.6,7 lakhs.
- HTK MT is priced at Rs.7,59 lakhs.
- HTK+ MT is priced at Rs.8,45 lakhs.
Kia Sonet Turbo Petrol variant (1.0L)
- HTK+ 6 speed smartstream iMT is priced at Rs.9,49 lakhs.
- HTK+ 7 speed DCT is priced at Rs.10,49 lakhs.
- HTX 6 speed smartstream iMT is priced at Rs.9,99 lakhs
- HTX+ 6 speed smartstream iMT is priced at Rs.11,65 lakhs.
- GTX+ 6 speed smartstream iMT is priced at Rs.11,99 lakhs.
Kia Sonet WGT Diesel variants (1.5L)
- HTE 6 speed MT is priced at Rs.8,05 lakhs.
- HTK 6 speed MT is priced at Rs.8,99 lakhs.
- HTK+ 6 speed MT is priced at Rs.9,49 lakhs.
- HTX 6 speed MT is priced at Rs.9,99 lakhs.
- HTX+ 6 speed MT is priced at Rs.11,65 lakhs.
- GTX+ 6 speed MT is priced at Rs.11,99 lakhs.
Kia Sonet VGT Diesel variant (1.5L)
HTK+ 6 speed AT is priced at Rs.10,39 lakhs.
Also read about Kawasaki Z900 BS-6 variant.
Kia Sonet|Price starts at Rs.6.7 lakhs.
Reviewed by Fun Times
September 18, 2020
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