GoPro has launched the Hero 9 at Rs.49,500. This new action camera now comes with dual display which will make it easy for vlogging. It can record videos at 5K resolution.
It comes with Dual LCD screen with 1.4-inch on the front and has 2.27-inch main screen on the rear.It has 23.6MP sensor. It captures wide angle videos at 5k reloution at 30fps and in 4k resolution it captures videos at 30fps and 60fps. GoPro Hero 9 is boosted by 1,720mAh battery. As of the new feature it comes with schedule capture where we can set date and time and it will automatically record.
Also read about Redmi 9i.
Gopro Hero 9|launched|Rs.49,500|Dual Display
Reviewed by Fun Times
September 21, 2020
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