Triumph has launched its Speed-master BS-6 variant in India. The bike is priced at Rs.11.3 lakhs ex showroom the price is same as the BS-4 variant there is no price hike for the speed-master. The BS-6 variant gets a new Blue color shade. Earlier this month Triumph had launched Street Triple R at Rs.8.8 lakhs.
The bike is powered by 1200cc parallel twin engine which produces 76Bhp of power and 106NM of torque. The bike comes with cruise control, traction control, 2 riding modes (Road and Rain) and it has Brembo brakes on the front and single disc brake on the rear and has ABS.
Triumph Bonneville Speedmaster launched at same price|Rs.11 lakhs
Reviewed by Fun Times
August 16, 2020
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