Mi has launched Mi True Wireless Earphones 2 in India at Rs,3,999.The earphones were launched along with Mi 10 smartphone and Mi Box 4K. The earphones will be available in Mi and Amazon. The earphone works with voice assistant. The earphone comes with charging case.
The earphones comes with Bluetooth 5.0.
Noise cancellation
Smart dual noise cancellation. The earphone comes with 2 mics one at the bottom and the other one on the top. Bottom mic detects our speech and works with other mic on the top to reduce the noise in the surroundings.
Gesture controls for
Answering calls (Double tap the earphone on either left side or right side)
Play and pause a music (Double tap the earphone on right side)
Activate Voice command (Double tap the earphone on left side)
250mAH battery for the charging case
30mAh batteries on the earphones
Lithium ion battery.
USB-C port for charging
quick charge.
In a single usage the earphone lasts up-to 4 hours.
14 days of battery life with multiple charges using the case.
Range of the earphones
10 meters of range.
Voice assistant
Earphone works with Voice assistants like Google assistant, Siri or Alexa with a single touch.
It comes in white color.
Also read about Honor X10 launch on May 20.
Mi True Wireless earphones 2|Specs|Rs.3,999|
Reviewed by Fun Times
May 16, 2020
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