DJI Osmo mobile stabilizer has been launched in India at a price of Rs.10,999. It is a hand held gimbal stabilizer. With this we can capture some sick cinematic shots. It has some built in sensors & it also has brush less motor which will stabilize the mobile.It also has timelapse built in. It also has got zoom in & out which makes it super cool.It produce dolly zoom also. Great isn't it? It can also capture multiple photos & stich & make it as one photo. It is light weight. It will take apprx 2.5 hours for full charge.The interesting part of this gimbal is DJI claims the stabilizer can last upto 15 hours in single charge. It will be available on Amazon.
DJI Osmo mobile stabilizer was unveiled at CES 2018 in January long with DSLR gimbal.
DJI Osmo mobile 2 comes to India|Priced at Rs.10,999
Reviewed by Fun Times
July 04, 2018
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