DJI has launched two new handheld stabilizers for mobile & DSLR camera's. The two new products are Osmo mobile 2 & Ronin-s. Ronin-s is the company's first handheld stabilizer for bigger cams,like mirrorless & DSLR cameras. These devices were launched on Sunday at CES 2018. With these devices you can make some great videos.
"With the introduction of these two stabilizers, DJI now offers gimbal technology to help unlock the creative storyteller in everyone no matter what camera they're using," said Paul Pan, Senior Product Manager at DJI. "Osmo Mobile 2 offers the best in smartphone stabilization at an affordable price, and Ronin-S brings the quality of DJI's professional gimbal technology to a new form factor that is perfect for run-and-gun filming using your favorite DSLR or mirrorless camera system."
Ronin-S will be the company's first handheld stabilizer. It will be available in two frame sizes.It also has DJI's three axis gimbal technology. It has smooth track technology for easy access.It also has mounts for microphone,LED light.
Osmo mobile 2
This device is for smartphones. This Osmo mobile 2 has new design. It has a battery of 2600mAh. DJI claims to offer upto 15 hours of battery life.
DJI launches two new handheld Stabilizers
Reviewed by Fun Times
January 09, 2018
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