After Flipkart announced Big Shopping days where it offers upto 80% discounts on wide range of products. Now Amazon has also announced Amazon Summer Sale which will also take place from May 13th to May 16th. During this sale Amazon will be offering discounts on various products. There will also be exclusive deals on top brands for Prime users.
40% discounts on mobiles & will have no cost EMI
50% discounts on electronics with up to Rs.20,000 discounts on laptops.
55%,50%, & 60% & up to 40% off on cameras, headphones ,speakers & smartwatches & smartbands.
Amazon will be offering 10% cashback for purchases made through ICICI credit & debit cards. Users who use Amazon pay balance will get extra 10% cashback upto Rs.300 on all the purchases above Rs.250.
App only deals
Apart from regular sale during this period there will also be App only deals starting from 8:00 AM and it will continue till midnight. Up to 4 Lakh can be won by App users who make purchases in APP during the 4 day sale.
Amazon Summer Sale is here!
Reviewed by Fun Times
May 10, 2018
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