Samsung's next flagship devices are all set to launch soon. However still leaks keeps coming up about these devices. As per the recent leaks prices of the Samsung Galaxy S9 and the Galaxy S9+ on the web. As per the online leak, the Samsung Galaxy S9 (64GB) and the Galaxy S9+ (64GB) in Norway would cost 8790 NOK which will be roughly Rs 72,800 in India and for the Galaxy S9+ it would cost 9790 NOK which is roughly Rs 81,100 in India. The price is expected to be 1200 NOK and 1300 NOK above that of the Galaxy S8 and the Galaxy S8+. Samsung Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9+ smartphones will be unveiled on February 25, 2018 during the MWC 2018 conference at Barcelona, Spain. Samsung has also sent out invitations for the same.
We cannot say about the pricing of this device because usually prices in Normay will be usually higher than United States. Previously Galaxy S8 in India was launched for Rs 58,000. So taking this into consideration we can expect to be around Rs.60,000.
Anyway we will have to wait for the device to launch.
Also read Samsung Galaxy S9 spec.
Price Leaks about Samsung Galaxy S9 & S9+
Reviewed by Fun Times
February 20, 2018
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