Sony India has launched two new Android smartphones, the Xperia R1 Plus and Xperia R1. Both the smartphones are targeted at mid-segment customers, according to Sony. The company is promoting the handsets to support fast upload and browsing via uplink data compression (UDC). Highlight of the handsets are Android 8.0 Oreo upgrade ready. The smartphones have been launched first in India.
Sony Xperia R1 Plus and Xperia R1 will be available across all Sony Center and major mobile stores across India starting November 10. It will also be available on Amazon and Flipkart in the country. The Sony Xperia R1 Plus will be available at Rs. 14,990 and Xperia R1 comes at Rs. 12,990. Both the phones will be available in Black and Silver colours. The company lists the handsets with their MRP with Sony Xperia R1 Plus and Xperia R1 priced at Rs. 15,990 and Rs. 13,990.The company also confirms that interested customers can register for the phones starting Friday on Amazon. Sony promises, "Pre-registered customers will be entitled for a special offer."
Both the phones are similar to each other with only RAM and storage being different. The Sony Xperia R1 Plus packs 3GB of RAM and 32GB of storage while the Xperia R1 packs 2GB of RAM and 16GB of storage.The Sony Xperia R1 Plus and R1 feature 5.2-inch HD (720x1280 pixels) TFT displays and are powered by octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 430 SoC. Both run on Android Nougat out-of-the-box but Android Oreo update is being promised for the handsets. Both the dual-SIM devices sport 13-megapixel rear camera with autofocus, Exmor Sony sensor, and LED flash. There's an 8-megapixel front camera on each. They are backed by a 2620mAh and support USB Type-C port. It measures 146x73.2x8.8mm and weighs 154 grams. Connectivity options include GPRS/ EDGE, 3G, 4G with support for LTE Cat. 4, GPS, Bluetooth 4.2, and Wi-Fi. It also comes with FM radio.
Reviewed by Fun Times
October 27, 2017
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