Blackberry Keyone has been launched in India. It will be available exclusively only at Amazon. The smartphone has been priced at Rs 39,990. It has a hardware QWERTY keyboard. The phone will be running on android 7.1.1 Nougat OS with Blackberry's own security & productivity software onboard. This phone is totally different from International markets where it was launched with 3GB RAM but in India it has been launched with 4GB RAM & 64GB storage. The company is calling this model as Blackberry Keyone Limited Edition Black.
The smartphone will be available from August 8 exclusively on Amazon India. The launch offer for this device includes upto 75GB additional data from Vodafone for both prepaid & postpaid users for new & existing subscribers.For users buying this device via American Express card they will be getting upto 4000 bonus points to credit card.
The main highlight of this devices is its hardware keyboard. This device has 4.5-inch IPS LCD display with 3:2 aspect ratio (1080x1620 P).The device is powered by an Octa-core Qualcomm snapdragon 625 SoC with 4GB RAM.It has a 12MP rear camera with an f/2.0 aperture & a dual tone LED flash light. On the front it has a 8MP with f/2.2 aperture, & an 84 degree wide lens.
Blackberry Keyone supports 4G VOLTE, dual band, wifi 802.11ac, NFC, Bluetooth,GPS, USB C, 3.5mm headphone jack. The battery of this device comes with 3505mAh non-removable battery, that supports Qualcomm quick charge 3.0 which can charge the smartphone from zero to 50 percent in 30 minutes. It weighs 180 grams. The smartphone includes some security apps such as DTEK by Blackberry. Blackberry password keeper.
Blackberry Keyone android smartphone launched
Reviewed by Fun Times
August 01, 2017
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