Lenovo is all set to launch its k8 Note in India on August 9. Lenovo posted a video of its next #KillerNote this week, on friday Lenovo announced the launch date for its smartphone via its social media channels. On the video it teases the number 8 which suggests that the smartphone will be the lenovo k8 Note. Lenovo also skipped to launch its K7 Note.
Lenovo India posted on social media asking its followers to guess what the next smartphone Note will be called? all pointing to number 8.
Though we don't know why lenovo decided to launch K8 Note instead of its K7 Note.
As per the recent reports from online the smartphone will be running on android 7.1.1 Nougat. The phone will be powered by 1.4Ghz MediaTek Helio X20 processor & will be having a 4GB RAM.
Lenovo k8 Note is all set to launch on August 9
Reviewed by Fun Times
July 30, 2017
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