Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday will launch the "UDAN" scheme. He will flag off a flight on Shimla-Delhi sector. Modi will launch the scheme from Shimla. UDAN is a first-of-its-kind scheme globally to stimulate regional connectivity through a market-based mechanism. PM has tweeted this. The main concept of this is to make air travel accessible to citizens in all areas.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday will launch the "UDAN" scheme. He will flag off a flight on Shimla-Delhi sector. Modi will launch the scheme from Shimla. UDAN is a first-of-its-kind scheme globally to stimulate regional connectivity through a market-based mechanism. PM has tweeted this. The main concept of this is to make air travel accessible to citizens in all areas.
Narendra Modi to launch India's first RS,2,500 flight.
Reviewed by Fun Times
April 26, 2017
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