Samsung has launched 4K QLED TV called Sero. Sero comes with 43-inch display. The Tv is priced at Rs.1,24,990. The TV supports HDR10+. The TV is a rotating TV and can be used in 2 ways ie vertically as well as horizontally. The TV will be available for sale in Reliance Digital outlets. The TV has a stand on the back and it can be rotated both ways. The TV looks slim and neat.
- The TV comes with 43-inch with UHD QLED display.
- It has a resolution of 3840x2160.
- It supports upto HDR10+.
- Vertical and Horizontal orientation.
Also read about Skullcandy spoke earbuds.
Samsung Sero 4K QLED TV launched|Rotating TV|Rs.1,24,990
Reviewed by Fun Times
November 11, 2020
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