GoNoise has launched its Noise Air buds in India. It is priced at Rs.2,499. These earphones will be available for sale on Amazon and the company's official website. The earphones come with 20 hour battery life. The earphone is compatible with both android & ios.
- As of the spec the earphone have 13mm drivers.
- It comes with bluetooth 5.0.
- Range of 10 metres.
- Can be charged with case, the case has 500mAh battery and takes about a hour for charging the earphone and the case takes 2 hours for charging.
- Touch controls.
- Voice controls.
- 2 mics
- Sweat resistant with IPX4.
Also read about Micromax In smartphones.
Noise True Wireless earphones launched|Rs.2,499
Reviewed by Fun Times
November 04, 2020
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