Nokia has announced 6 new smart TV's in India, screen options include 32-inch, 43-inch, 50-inch,55-inch and 65-inch. Pricing starts at Rs.12,999 for the 32-inch. The TV will go on sale from October 15. 32-inch model comes with Onkyo sound system, it has a resolution of 1366x768 pixels. The TV runs on Android 9.0 pie. It comes with 8GB of storage and 1.5GB RAM. 32-inch TV is priced at Rs.12,999 and Rs.22,999 for the 43-inch variant. 43-inch TV will be available in
- 43-inch will be available in HD,FHD and UHDvariant.
UHD models will come with HDR10, it will have a resolution of 3840x2160. It will have 6GB of storage and 2GB RAM. The TV will run on Android 9.0 Pie
- 43-inch UHD variant is priced at Rs.28,999.
- 50-inch variant is priced at Rs.33,999.
- 55-inch is priced at Rs.39,999.
- 65-inch is priced at Rs.59,999.
Also read about Jio Post paid plans.
Nokia New Smart Tv launched|6 New models.
Reviewed by Fun Times
October 08, 2020
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