Xiaomi has launched its Mi True wireless earphones 2C in India. The earphones comes with environmental noise cancellation. Mi claims the earphones can last up to 20 hours with the charging case.The earphones will be available both in online and offline stores. It is priced at Rs.2,499.
Mi True Wireless earphones 2C comes with Dual-Mic ENC.
14.2mm drivers for an enhanced sound quality.
Latest Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity.
Touch controls.
Voice assistant.
Sensors for in ear detection.
It takes 1.5 hours to charge fully.
With continuous usage it will deliver up to 5 hours of battery life.
Also read about Canon M50 mark II.
Mi True wireless earphones 2C launched|Rs.2,499
Reviewed by Fun Times
October 15, 2020
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