Apple has launched its latest iPhone 12 series in India. There are totally 4 models namely iPhone 12,iPhone 12 mini,iPhone 12 pro, and iPhone 12 Pro Max. The new Apple iPhone 2020 models comes with 5G support. The pricing starts at Rs.69,990 for the iPhone 12 mini and goes up to Rs.1,59,900 for the iPhone 12 pro max 512GB variant. iPhone 12 Mini is claimed to deliver a battery life of 15 hours of video playback, iPhone 12 is claimed to deliver battery life of 17 hours of video playback, iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro Max is claimed to deliver battery life of 20 hours.
- iPhone 12 mini comes with 5.4-inch display.
- iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 Pro comes with 6.1-inch display.
- iPhone 12 Pro Max comes with 6.7-inch display.
- iPhone 12 mini and iPhone 12 comes with Dual cam with 12MP sensors.
- iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro Max comes with triple cam with 12MP sensor.
iPhone 12 Mini
- iPhone 12 Mini 64GB is priced at Rs.69,900.
- iPhone 12 Mini 128GB is priced at Rs.74,900.
- iPhone 12 Mini 256GB is priced at Rs.84,900.
iPhone 12
- iPhone 12 64GB is priced at Rs.79,900.
- iPhone 12 128GB is priced at Rs.84,900.
- iPhone 12 256GB is priced at Rs.94,900.
iPhone 12 Pro
- iPhone 12 Pro 128GB is priced at Rs.1,19,900.
- iPhone 12 Pro 256GB is priced at Rs.1,29,900.
- iPhone 12 Pro 512GB is priced at Rs.1,49,900.
iPhone 12 Pro Max
- iPhone 12 Pro Max 128GB is priced at Rs.1,29,900.
- iPhone 12 Pro Max 256GB is priced at Rs.1,39,900.
- iPhone 12 Pro Max 512GB is priced at Rs.1,59,900.
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