Vivo has launched Vivo V19. The phone pricing starts at Rs.27,990 for the 8GB RAM and 128GB storage variant and Rs. 31,990 for the 8GB RAM and 256GB storage variant.
The phone comes with 6.44-inch FHD+ Super AMOLED display. The phone is powered by Octa-Core processor with Qualcomm snapdragon 712 chipset with 8GB RAM and 2 storage options to choose 128GB or 256GB storage. As of the camera it comes with Quad cam setup with 48MP, 8MP, and two 2MP sensors on the front it comes with 32MP sensor. The phone comes with on-screen finger print scanner. The phone is boosted by 4,500mAh battery with 33W flash charge tech.
Launch Offers
As of the launch offers users will be able to get
- one time screen replacement option in case it breaks.
- No cost EMI upto 12 months.
- Rs.40,000 worth Jio benefits.
- 10 percent cashback for users who buy it with HDFC and ICICI credit cards.
- Airtel Xtreme premium subscription, Airtel secure lite.
- Wynk music.
Also read about Google Chromecast Ultra features and launch
Vivo V19|4,500mAh battery|Dual front cam with punched hole design|Rs.27,990
Reviewed by Fun Times
May 12, 2020
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