Vivo India is all set to launch Vivo V19 on May 12. The phone was supposed to be earlier itself but due to the coronavirus lock down it had been post-poned. Now the phone is finally set to be launched.
The phone comes with 6.44-inch FHD+ Super AMOLED display. The phone is powered by Octa-Core processor with Qualcomm snapdragon 712 chipset with 8GB RAM and 2 storage options to choose 128GB or 256GB storage. As of the camera it comes with Quad cam setup with 48MP, 8MP, and two 2MP sensors on the front it comes with 32MP sensor. The phone comes with on-screen finger print scanner. The phone is boosted by 4,500mAh battery with 33W flash charge tech.
Also read about Realme's new 6000mAh battery
Vivo V19 launch on May 12|Specs
Reviewed by Fun Times
May 10, 2020
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