TCL has unveiled its 10 series Smartphones. These phones will come with Quad Cam setup. 10 series comes in 3 variants namely TCL 10 5G, TCL 10 Pro, TCL 10 L. Pricing starts at around $500. These phones come with punched hole front cam. All the three phones will have the same processor. Only the screen size, resolution and few other differences will be there between them. The phone is expected to be available globally later this year.
TCL 10 Pro
It will have AMOLED display and will come with on Screen finger print scanner. It will have 64MP sensor.
TCL 10 L
TCL 10 L is the basic model among the three Smartphones. It will have 48MP sensor and finger print scanner at rear.
TCL 10 5G
This as the name suggest comes with 5G and it is expected to have slightly bigger screen than other two devices.
Also read about Vivo S1 Pro .
TCL Premium phones unveiled|Quad Cam|TCL 10 series smartphones
Reviewed by Fun Times
January 06, 2020
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