KTM 390 Adventure has been launched in India at Rs.2.99 lakhs ex-showroom. The bike was unveiled in IBW Goa 2019. The bike get Twin channel Bosch cornering ABS and also gets Quickshifter for clutch less up and down shifting. With the launch of this new 390 Adventure KTM India has officially entered into adventure segment.
KTM 390 adventure has the same 373 CC single cylinder engine. Which produces 43 bhp power and 37 NM of torque same like the KTM 390 duke. It is mated to a six speed gear-box.
390 Adventure comes with Powder-coated steel trellis frame. On the front it gets 19-inch wheel and on rear it comes with 17-inch wheel.
As of the tank capacity now it comes with 14 litres tank capacity.
It gets LED headlights, TFT display, smartphone connectivity, Adjustable wind shield. Apart from normal twin channel ABS it also gets Cornering ABS. Comes with Quickshifter.
KTM 390 Adventure launched in India| Rs.2.99 lakhs
Reviewed by Fun Times
January 22, 2020
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