Google has launched the Chromecast 3 at Rs.3,499. Chromecast is a device which can turn a normal TV into something like a Smart TV. So basically Chromecast can stream videos to TV it has WiFi built in it & using the HDMI port it is connected to TV. Using this device we can also stream from mobile devices, laptops & so on.
What's new in Chromecast 3?
Compared to Chromecast 2, The new Chromecast 3 has improved WiFi reception. Then it also 15% faster when compared to the previous Chromecast 2. Chromecast 3 can stream 60fps videos at FHD.
Availability & Color
Chromecast 3 will be available in Flipkart & as introductory offer users who purchase from Flipkart will get 1 year free subscription to Sony Liv & 6 months of Ad free contents from Gaana. The device is available in Charcoal color.
15% faster.
Mirror screen.
Google Chromecast 3 Launched|Rs.3,499
Reviewed by Fun Times
October 24, 2018
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