BSNL has introduced a new plan priced at Rs.299 for its prepaid users which offers unlimited calls, 100 SMS & 31Gb of data. All telecom industries are introducing more & more attractive plans to stay in the race. So now recently BSNL has introduced this plans.This plan will be available only to new customers and not existing customers.This new plan has been introduced by BSNL to take on its rivals like JIO,Airtel & so on.
But remember this plan is only for new customers which means existing users are not adaptable to this plan which is not a happy news for the BSNL users. And moreover BSNL offers only 3G data which can be a drawback.
BSNL new postpaid plan|Rs.299|Inlimited calls|31GB data
Reviewed by Fun Times
September 26, 2018
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