Well Jio stunned every one with Jio phone which was launched last year at Rs.1 & similarly this year Jio phone launched its updated version of the Jio phone. The Jio phone 2 has a QWERTY keyboard & looks awesome. Jio phone went on sale on 16.08.18 Thursday and within few minutes it got sold out. The company has announced the next flash sale for Jio 2, and it will take place on August 30, and it will be available only for sale at Jio.com. However for Jio 2 there will be no refund option available.
Jio 2 is priced at Rs.2,999. The next sale will be on August 30 at 12 Pm. After buying the device users can recharge their mobile with Rs.49, or Rs.99, or Rs.153. Once the Order is placed the phone will be delivered within 5-7 days.
runs on KaiOS,
2.4-inch QVGA display,
512MB RAM,
4GB inbuilt storage, can be expanded,
2MP rear cam,
VGA front cam,
4G,Bluetooth,NFC,GPS,FM radio,
Voice command button.
JIO phone 2|Price|spec|flash Sale?
Reviewed by Fun Times
August 16, 2018
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