Vivo has launched a basic variant of the Vivo V7, the smartphone has nearly identical specifications, It does retain the facial unlocking feature, called Face Wake. Of course, just like the Vivo V7 the biggest highlight of the Vivo Y75 is its Full Vision display, with an 18:9 aspect ratio. The main difference in this smartphone is that it comes with 13MP sensor & on the front it comes with 16MP sensor.The smartphone is already available to purchase via the company's China site.
Vivo Y75 price
Vivo Y75 price has been priced at CNY 1,598 which is roughly Rs. 15,500, and it is already available to buy in China via the company site. It is available in Gold, Matte Black, and Rose Gold color variants.
Vivo Y75 specifications
It sports a 5.7-inch HD+ (720x1440 pixels) display, and is powered by an unspecified octa-core processor coupled with 4GB of RAM. The dual-SIM Vivo Y75 runs Fun Touch 3.2 OS, based on Android 7.1 Nougat. As we mentioned, on the rear, the smartphone sports a 13-megapixel camera with flash, and on the front, it sports a 16-megapixel camera.The Vivo Y75 has 32GB of inbuilt storage that is expandable via micro-SD card (up to 256GB). It offers standard connectivity options, including 4G LTE, Bluetooth v4.0, Wi-Fi, GPS/ A-GPS, Micro-USB, and 3.5mm headphone jack. The smartphone is powered by a 3000mAh battery, and measures 149.3x72.8x7.9mm.
Vivo Y75 launched in China
Reviewed by Fun Times
December 18, 2017
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