Micromax has launched its latest smartphone Bharat 5 in India on Friday. Bharat 5 is priced at Rs 5,555. Bharat 5 is a 4G smartphone & it comes equipped with a 5000mAh battery. There is also a bundled data offer, announced in partnership with Vodafone. The smartphone will only be available to buy via offline retailers in the country. Micromax has also announced that it will be launching more phones under the Bharat series. With the Bharat 5 Plus and Bharat 5 Pro planned to be launched in the next two months. The company also said it hopes to sell over 6 million Bharat-Series smartphones by March 2018.
About the launch
Commenting on the launch, Shubhodip Pal, Chief Marketing and Chief Commercial Officer, Micromax Informatics, said "Bharat 5 like its predecessors will truly drive the next phase of smartphone adoption in the country, as a smartphone with 5000mAh battery is pivotal for a market like India where the tier 3-4 cities still face severe power outage issues."price
Micromax Bharat 5 smartphone is price in India is Rs. 5,555, and it will be made available to buy via offline stores in the country. As for launch offers, Micromax says any new or existing Vodafone customer can with a 1GB data pack will get an additional 10GB of data a month for 5 months - totalling up to 50GB of additional data.
Compete against?
The smartphone will be competing against the recently launched Xiaomi Redmi 5A.
The Smartphone runs on Android Nougat, and sports a 5.2-inch HD (720x1280 pixels) display. It is powered by a 1.3GHz quad-core processor (unspecified make), coupled with 1GB of DDR3 RAM. The smartphone has a pair of 5-megapixel cameras on board, on the front and back, both featuring LED flash modules.Micromax has put 16GB of inbuilt storage on the Bharat 5, expandable via microSD card (up to 64GB). Connectivity options include 4G VoLTE, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth v4.0, FM radio, 3.5mm audio jack, and Micro-USB.
The Micromax Bharat 5 has a 5000mAh battery, which the company claims is rated to deliver up to 2 days of battery life, and a standby time of up to 3 weeks.
Micromax has launched Bharat 5!
Reviewed by Fun Times
December 01, 2017
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