After Flipkart, Amazon & now Snapdeal has announced festive season sale. Snapdeal the E-Commerce website has announced sale for Diwali called Unbox Diwali. In this sale it will be offering discounts on various products. It takes on Flipkart's Big Diwali Sale and Amazon India's Great Indian Festival Sale. The Snapdeal Unbox Diwali Sale starts from Friday, October 13, and will end on Monday, October 16. The online marketplace is listing offers on a range of electronics such as smartphones, laptops, televisions, and more. The Snapdeal sale is offering flat discounts and cashback on a variety of bank cards, which we will talk about later.
Alongside, Snapdeal is also hosting Dhamaka Deals during the sale where there are discounts and money back offers on LED televisions, external HDDs, USB drives, PC and laptop accessories, and audio systems among others.
Snapdeal Unbox Diwali Sale cashback offers
Unlike the other two festival sales about to start from Saturday, October 14, Snapdeal sale sees cashback offers on different bank cards. Starting Friday, you will be eligible for the 15 percent cashback up to Rs. 2,000 if you make a minimum purchase of Rs. 2,000 using Citi credit card. HSBC credit and debit bank cardholders can also avail 10 percent instant discount throughout the sale period.October 13th
On the first day of sale i.e., Friday, October 13, the buyers with HDFC bank cards get an extra 10 percent instant discount
October 14th
On Saturday, October 14, Standard Chartered card users get the same privilege on a range of daily need items, household merchandise, and food items.
Snapdeal Unbox Diwali Sale mobile, other electronics deals
Under the Snapdeal Unbox Diwali Sale, the popular smartphones are being sold at flat discounted prices, with bank card offers on top. The Vivo V5 Plus 64GB in Gold colour has received a discount of 28 percent, and is now available at Rs. 19,549. If you couple this price with any of the bank card offer, the price of Vivo V5 Plus will go down to maximum Rs. 17,549 (after a Rs. 2,000 maximum cashback). Another Vivo smartphone, V5s with 20-megapixel moonlight selfie camera is available at Rs. 15,799. Gionee A1 is available at Rs. 15,348, Moto M is being sold at Rs. 14,999, and Moto G5S is going to cost you Rs. 14,295.Audio Devices
Coming to audio devices, Snapdeal is selling Sony MDR-ZX110A headphones with 53 percent discount, along with boAt BassHeads 200 earphones with flat 54 percent discount and Skullcandy Inkd S2IKW-J509 Bluetooth neckband earphones selling with 53 percent discount. The F&D W3 Bluetooth speaker is available at a discount of 50 percent.
Lenovo Ideapad 80XH01GEIN Notebook with sixth-generation Intel Core i3 and 4GB RAM/ 1TB HDD is selling at Rs. 24,999 with at least 21 percent discount.
The HP 15-bu003tu laptop with sixth-generation Intel Core i3 paired with 4GB RAM and 1TB HDD storage has received an 18 percent discount and is now available at Rs. 26,499. Other PC and laptop models are also selling with discounts under the sale, and using cards of the aforementioned banks will offer you further cashback.
WD Elements 2TB external HDD is up for sale with at least 34 percent discount, while its lower 1TB model is available with 28 percent discount. The Sony HD-B1 1TB external hard drive is up for sale at 43 percent discount, whereas the Seagate 3TB Backup Plus desktop hard drive is available at Rs. 6,499 with a discount of 54 percent.
Commenting on the announcement of Unbox Diwali sale, Vishal Chadha, chief business officer at Snapdeal said, "The Snapdeal Unbox Diwali Sale is focused on making the festive season as easy as possible for our shoppers. From best-selling products from leading brands, to attractive and affordable festival prices and competitive discounts from our participating banks, Snapdeal has everything you need to celebrate Diwali."
Reviewed by Fun Times
October 13, 2017
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