Google will soon take on Sony's playstation as it had unveiled its latest Virtual Reality gaming headset. It is a first-of-its kind which don't need to connect to a smartphone Clay Bavor announced announced the new VR headset.Mr. Bavor said mobile gaming gadget would make it easier to try VR games.or computer or any other device. Google's Virtual Reality vice president "There is no cables,no phones & no need PC". The whole device is designed for VR.
Google Stand-Alone Daydream VR will compete with Sony's playstation VR.
Google will soon take on Sony's playstation as it had unveiled its latest Virtual Reality gaming headset. It is a first-of-its kind which don't need to connect to a smartphone Clay Bavor announced announced the new VR headset.Mr. Bavor said mobile gaming gadget would make it easier to try VR games.or computer or any other device. Google's Virtual Reality vice president "There is no cables,no phones & no need PC". The whole device is designed for VR.
Google Stand-Alone Daydream VR will compete with Sony's playstation VR.
Google's Stand-Alone VR gaming headset Unveiled
Reviewed by Fun Times
May 18, 2017
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