Recently in pasumalai, Tamil Nadu a pulsar RS has been burned into ashes. While Bike was going at a speed of 60 kmph, The rider noticed fire and stopped the bike. The bike has been fully burned into ashes. According to the rider he has not done any modification to his bike. He says that fire may have catched due to short circuit in electrical system of the bike. The motorcycle's plastic part have been completely burned, while the metal parts are completely burned. Bajaj auto have promised to give him a new bike. Bajaj auto are very much concerned about this incident.
Recently in pasumalai, Tamil Nadu a pulsar RS has been burned into ashes. While Bike was going at a speed of 60 kmph, The rider noticed fire and stopped the bike. The bike has been fully burned into ashes. According to the rider he has not done any modification to his bike. He says that fire may have catched due to short circuit in electrical system of the bike. The motorcycle's plastic part have been completely burned, while the metal parts are completely burned. Bajaj auto have promised to give him a new bike. Bajaj auto are very much concerned about this incident.
Pulsar RS catches fire
Reviewed by Fun Times
April 21, 2017
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