xiaomi has announced its latest flagship killer with snapdragon 835. It has 12 megapixel dual cameras 6gb of ram, a 5.15inch display, a 3350mah battery, & a finger print scanner.
it will be having 2 variants 64gb & a 128gb. It has a top end qualcomm chip. it has been announced at a event in china. The design of it is excellent. we have to wait for it to launch officially.
It will be soon launched....
xiaomi has announced its latest flagship killer with snapdragon 835. It has 12 megapixel dual cameras 6gb of ram, a 5.15inch display, a 3350mah battery, & a finger print scanner.
it will be having 2 variants 64gb & a 128gb. It has a top end qualcomm chip. it has been announced at a event in china. The design of it is excellent. we have to wait for it to launch officially.
It will be soon launched....
Latest phone from xiamoi.
Reviewed by Fun Times
April 19, 2017
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